Sunday, April 12, 2009

Turning 90

Did you say PARTY?  But Daddy, I have nothing to wear!  I need a new collar!  Oh, I can't be seen in public like this.  What if they have cameras?  

Yes, Daddy said PARTY, but there were other plans for Oscar.  He went with Auntie Karen on a play date!

So, Emma Lee is turning 90!  Here is one of the center pieces made by my husband, Auntie Karen, Mrs J and our very own SSG!  Okay Ladies, which one of you made this one?

And here she is, the stunningly beautiful Birthday Girl herself!  Her adoring man is sitting right there staring at the love of his life.  It was our honor just to be there to witness a love so wonderful!  Congratulations you two!!

And here she is again, ripping up the carpet in true ho-down style!  Emma Lee sure can cut a rug!!  Something as simple as a birthdate isn't going to hold this hot momma down!  Surrounded by children, grand-children and great grand-children, Lee was a vision of happiness!  Cousins, Uncles, Brothers, Sisters, Bridge club members, the party was a mixture of half the population of the western world!  And what does she wish for when blowing out her candles?  Our dearest Emma Lee wished for health and happiness for all of her friends and family!  Gotta love her!

And the band......Ron (I think) is the fiddle player.  Ron, six time national champion and recent Grand Master winner for his skill with a bow, and Steve are brothers.  Steve is playing guitar, and his son Mark is on bass!  This is a family that does everything together!  I was in awe at this family!  Everyone knows everyone.  They are all family, to the core!  This is what family is about!

A little dance party!  Again, just a taste of the value of family for these guys!!  What a fantastic day!
More dancing.  More enjoyment of each other.  More love.  This family knows the value of time, and of each other.  They want, they need, they can not survive without each other.  No politics, no gossip, no dark secrets, this family accepts everything.  Even my hubby and I are considered family.  (Even though we were not born into the fold, they tell us it isn't blood that makes a family, it is love and respect.  And they tell us always how they love us, even when I wouldn't dance!)

Sorry for the crappy photo here, but the birthday girl and her husband were just making out so much I couldn't get a clean shot!  Get a room you two, and make sure the panty hose are off!!!
Thank you Emma Lee, and happy birthday.  You are the Matriarch of the largest, most wonderfully happy family I have ever known.  Ya did good Sister!  Best wishes for you and I can not wait for the 100th!  I promise, I will dance at that one (just not on a table like you did this time!!)


I Am Woody April 12, 2009 at 2:32 PM  

What a wonderful party! Thanks for taking us along. I hope I'm dancing on tables at 90. Hell, I hope I'm dancing on tables at 45!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. April 12, 2009 at 2:37 PM  

God is good. Cherish every moment and savor each word, we all know life is way too short.

Luv U

T April 12, 2009 at 2:46 PM  

That has to be one of the most amazing and up lifiting stories I've heard in a long time!

Happy Birthday Emma Lee - may you have many more chances to dance and make out!

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl April 13, 2009 at 6:10 AM  

Um, wait just. One. Second.


Did Emma Lee not get my memo to break out MC Hammer?

She is one sexy bitch! Just like you!

ab April 13, 2009 at 8:13 AM  

What a wonderful story! I hope I have sexy legs like that when I'm 90, she looks fantastic!

Bella Della April 13, 2009 at 10:41 AM  

What a party- what a gal! Looks like great fun!

Anonymous,  April 13, 2009 at 11:29 AM  

Too cute! I hope hubs and I have that together at that age. Nice flowers peeps!

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