Just another day at the mall
Thanks Lil Deb!!!!
Thracian slave, gladiator, insurrectionist and fashion plate.
Our little Munchkin makes the front page of the newspaper!!!!!
Do me a favor. Do yourself a favor. Do man/woman kind a favor. Let us all be nice.
Thank you Lil' Deb O' the West! I love you Sunshine and appreciate you keeping me informed...
Yesterday, they found Grandpa, incoherent, sitting in his underwear in a house at 65 degrees with blood on his face, arms and legs. He was asked how many kids he had and he said "Potosi", (thats the town he lives in).
I know I have been absent, but seriously I have been reading an insane amount of books. In fact, I have overwhelmed 6 different people (combined they can't seem to keep up, like they have a life or something.....)
Taking Chance is a wonderful movie we watched last Saturday evening. Auntie K, Hubbie and myself all had our moments of blubbering and sniffing, and through the entire film felt pride and honor. This movie is a must see!
Look!! I found out why I am gay!!!! Donnie Davies says it is because I was corrupted by music! Click Here!
Civil Twilight may be unheard by you, but one day soon they will be a household name. They are very young indeed, but have the soul and sound of seasoning. I commend them, both for their honesty and strength.
So, as some of you know, I recently was hired for a real job. Since I have been "temping" for a while (actually, a long ass time!), I wanted to do a couple things before my first day at the new job. I gave notice at my temp job, and was let go early and had a few days off before starting my new position on the 21st.
Read more...I have been through two phone calls, and two face to face interviews, and now just completed the background info for yet another job possibility! I am quite hopeful with this one! I can't really say who it Is yet, But Maybe later.....
Read more...Sound odd? Yes, indeed it does, but let me explain.
Did you know, that there are virgin women out there, advertising on the internet to sell their virginity? Well, it is true.
Now don't get me wrong, have at it! I mean something as special as one's virginity is there own virtue to deal with, sell, give away, what have you, but I have one issue. See, some men don't see the worth of a $3.00 cup of coffee, yet they will bid on a "virgin"? Seriously? Now, I am quite aware of "the power of the penis" and what that power does to the brain, but lets think for a moment.
I would agree with the sale of virginity whole heartedly if the following were required and at "the penis's" expense, above and beyond the actual bid price.
1) No dinner and a movie. I suggest a background check, blood test and 9 references.
2) A period of "courting" for at least three months must take place, with at least two face to face occasions per week.
3) Under no circumstances is "the penis" to ever touch the vagina with out the safe guard of a condom.
4) "The Penis" must of course be un-wed, and meet "The vagina's" parents.
5) The funds for the transaction must be cleared and accepted prior to de-flowering.
6) This is the most important, we know that "The Penis" has expectations, but when it comes to a virgin with no experience, you get what you get. On that same note, I suggest "the virgin" have expectations in writing, and if "the penis" does not fulfill those, then "the penis" will pay for college, a car, and maybe "the vagina's" first home
Seriously! Virginity for sale? I wonder if Walmart is selling it for less.....
On Sunday, Kyle and I and some friends had Breakfast with the fabulous, and famous SSG! She is doing well, and is as HOT as ever!!! I think the waiter was hitting on her, as he had to bring her food completely separate from the rest of us, and I swear I caught him checking out if his ass looked good in the mirror. We dined and chatted, the whole time, the entire restaurant was whispering about who SSG was, but of course that was to be expected, what with the Jackie O sun glasses and all......
When the reporters started flocking at the door, I whisked her away through the back door. She survived unscathed and un-photographed (if that is a word, who knows.....) Regardless, I am now thinking of devoting my life to being her head of security at the compound within which we shall ALL live!
Just a point of note, if you are living with us at the compound, it is a requirement that you tell me every single day, no scratch that, you tell me every single time you see me, that my pants make my ass look fabulous!!!! I am not in need of support for my own esteem, it is just that I have to compete with SSG!!!
Butternut squash and apple soup! (really, you will love it, I swear!!!)
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 tablespoons good olive oil
4 cups chopped yellow onions (3 large)
2 tablespoons mild curry powder
5 pounds butternut squash (2 large) (I actually roasted mine - cut in half, lay cut side down and bake at 350 for 40 min...)
1 1/2 pounds sweet apples, such as McIntosh (4 apples)
2 teaspoons kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 cups water
1 cups good apple cider or juice
Warm the butter, olive oil, onions, and curry powder in a large stockpot uncovered over low heat for 15 to 20 minutes, until the onions are tender. Stir occasionally, scraping the bottom of the pot.
Peel the squash, cut in half, and remove the seeds. Cut the squash into chunks. Peel, quarter, and core the apples. Cut into chunks.
Add the squash, apples, salt, pepper, and 2 cups of water to the pot. Bring to a boil, cover, and cook over low heat for 30 to 40 minutes, until the squash and apples are very soft. Process the soup through a food mill fitted with a large blade, or puree it coarsely in the bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade.
Pour the soup back into the pot. Add the apple cider or juice and enough water to make the soup the consistency you like; it should be slightly sweet and quite thick. Check the salt and pepper and serve hot.
Our friend "Lil Deb" has expressed a concern to me that I find very odd. She stated that there was a six year old boy, who used his finger as a pretend gun and said "pew, pew" as if making the shooting noise. She stated this child was expelled due to a "zero tolerance" rule, and his mother is at wits end with what to do.........
So, Kyle says....(see yesterdays post).....
In this day and age, with the gigantic drop out rate of high-school age young adults, war on television and passing out condoms to kindergardeners, something must be done. We must vanquish this type of imaginary behavior. I suggest we do the following:
1) Place this child on the terrorist watch list.
2) Place this child on the "Do not fly" list.
3) Castrate this child immediately.
4) Place this incident on the child's permanent record, thus preventing him from ever obtaining a job or contributing to society.
5) Blame the President for this child's actions, and scream in our "outdoor" voice that the sky is falling and run around in circles....
Please God, I know you receive a lot of prayers for cheaper beer, and a better year for NASCAR, but please take a look at this for me. I made imaginary guns with my fingers, and even made the "bang" sound with my highly technical vocal skills as a child, yet I graduated from school and did not destroy even my "G.I. Joe action figures"..... Non of my imaginary friends robbed banks, non of my stuffed animals ever pimped each other out, all my rehearsal time for a possible slot with the Village People never transpired into a real job and certainly non of my pets created an atomic bomb, so what has changed? Are we, as a society, blaming a six year old child for our own flaws? Is this six year old child to blame for drugs, war, gangs, incest, and molesting Priests? Really? Maybe we should all take a step back, take a big deep breathe, pull our heads out of our asses and hug the kid while telling him he could some day be president. I mean really, It worked for the Bushes, right??
Dear "P.C." reader. The above expression is in whole the views of Kyle and should not be in any way associated with the views of this Blogs owner. We, the members of "Spartacus wore a skirt", are not in any way associated with this Kyle person and are only presenting his views for your entertainment. In fact, we are actually working on two things at this time. One is to turn carbon dioxide back into oxygen and two, is to find a way to increase the frequency of sexual intercourse in our lives.
Thank you for your visit.
Okay, so the other day at work I found a flaw with the process the company on the whole was practicing. The details are not important, but the powers that be credited the issue to "Kyle" instead of me. So, basically, my name was not important enough to remember even though it was on the email address and the signature line. What ever the case, this mythical "Kyle" got the credit for a job well done which left my supervisor and direct managers completely baffled.
I, in turn, as is my usual tendency, let this slide for the betterment of humanity. "What?" you say? Let me describe....
So, basically, my efforts receive all due attention, but under the wrong name. Why would it matter? Let us say for a moment that I pointed out the error that occurred by the powers that be. These god-like managers that write the path of financial institutions would simply equate my situation as finger pointing and never allow me to move forward, yes, but if left alone, I have ultimate power! "How?" you might ask. Well, now I actually have the ultimate power by simply saying "Kyle did it!" or "Kyle said it!" or "By the power of Kyle, I command you!".....Get the picture?
So, for now, I am plotting a "Kyle" take over. Kyle is going to write a "Kyle says" collection of proverbs (not unlike Confucius....) This is where I need your help......Please, by all means, send everything possible for this worldly document in order to publish and become filthy rich so that we can not only obtain a pool, but a pool boy as well (and possibly a bar tender!!!)!
Here is what I have so far....
Kyle says "It is best to wipe from back to front"
Kyle says "Yes pubic hair is natural, but it still needs to be kept trimmed"
Kyle says "Ah, grasshopper, when nature calls, by all means call back, but as quietly as possible, lest the bear eats you before completion!!"
Kyle says "As we have learned from Lil Deb, do not microwave fish on high or microwave coffee smell bad!!"
Get the picture? Take a moment and let me know your thoughts! We, combined, can become Kyle and take over the universe (as long as it is in spandex......Oh, anyone have a bedazzler????)
Russia gave us this memorial which seems to never have been discussed.......
This is wonderful....
Portland gay couple, survivors of Vietnam War, now find peace.
That is the title of an article on the front page of "The Oregonian" today.
I know very well who these two people are, Tom Norton and Bao Nguyen. I read this article in the paper this morning, and then online looked up "The Oregonian" and then typed in the search bar for Tom Norton. My Hubbie has been friends with Tom forever, and the man truly is a silent hero. Boa is cut from the same cloth, and to be in a room with them together is to see greatness.
After reading the online comments, there were some of the most heartfelt and sincere responses one could hope for, but unfortunately some of the most bitter.
To Tom and Boa, it has always been, and will always be an honor for me to be in your presence. The histories each of you have endured are horrific at best, and yet you are two of the sweetest, most amazing individuals I have ever known. It is a wonderful gift to know you.
Most of my readers have a strong understanding of the strength and courage it takes to join the military as a homosexual, especially when it requires war time participation. I have lived it, I have been there, and I would not wish it on anyone. Having said that, my time in the military was a child at the playground compared to Tom's. He saved peoples lives by putting his own at risk, and in return he is belittled and degraded by pathetic fucking idiots who have not a clue the cost of freedom. My deepest respect will always be with Tom and his sacrifices, but my respect for the citizens of the country we both fought for is very much at risk.
I find it disturbing that in todays situation, of americans coming home in body- bags, in pieces, or in just plain empty shells of what they once were, that our society still is able to spit such distain without even the slightest second thought. Gay, straight, male, female, black, white or even purple, I don't care what the label, a veteran has paid the fee to be worthy of respect, period.
I am proud to have served in the footsteps of greatness. Your sacrifices, Tom, are not unnoticed.
I spoke to Grandpa this morning, and he is in good spirits! I have been talking to the nursing staff in ICU, and they think Grandpa is a "hoot"! Every time I called, he was sleeping so it wasn't until this morning that we actually connected.
He has quite a large ulcer, that is bleed into his digestive tract. They have given him five full units of blood, but if he eats are drinks, he starts to bleed again. The are testing right now to see his blood levels for possible surgery. Grandpa said "I think I am about a quart low"!
In any case, they are going to try microscopic surgery first, going down the throat in an effort to not have to cut him open. If that doesn't work, they may have to do go in through his abdomen. I asked Grandpa if he was worried about a scar on his bikini line and he said "I don't want to think about it because it will probably ruin my shot as a centerfold in Playgirl"!
My Aunt "P" took her husband to the Ice Hotel in Canada for the week-end, and Grandpa thinks that is the greatest thing ever! When she returns on Monday, he wants to hear all about it!
And to make matters more stressful....
Oscar has pancreatitis. This morning we go for the third trip to the vet in as many days. We have to pick him up to move him as he wants nothing to do with walking. He is in a lot of pain, but we are giving him some pain killers and he is sleeping a lot. He won't drink water, so we have to force it with a syringe. He does eat, little bits at a time though, so that is good. So, today is lay in bed and cuddle with Oscar day. The Hubby is going out of his mind, not from worry, but because he feels so helpless.
Anyway, I am sure all things will get better soon, and that we are over the hump of the worst for both Grandpa and Oscar. Now, I am going to go upstairs and suck down a bottle of Gin, because they say these things come in threes, and I am just not ready for any more shit to hit the fan.......
Yesterday Grandpa asked to be taken to the Hospital, and everyone thought it was because he has been sick for a few days. They took him right away to the emergency room, and he has internal bleeding. Last night at about 8pm midwest time he underwent a bunch of "-oscopy" procedures to find the bleeding. Grandpa did not want any phone calls, and just wanted to sleep. Today I called and he has been moved to I.C.U. but I do not yet know what the full story is. He is sleeping and I did not want to disturb him, and his Nurse is on rounds. No update yet, but I have to say, it sounds like he is in good hands. The staff I have spoken too think he is "just wonderful" and "full of jokes"........
What ever the case, I will keep you informed as I find out more...
On another note, I am set for interview number 4 tomorrow morning.
Boy, when it rains, it pours! Could I get anymore stress?
Tomorrow is interview number three with the Director! I am so nervous I could puke!!!!
Read more...All went well. I came to the appointment totally prepared. I had a business proposal, with budget saving idea's, as well as workforce and training recommendations. I think I caught them off guard with that one, but they quickly reviewed and started digging in....
All, in all, I think I set myself apart as a face to remember and hope to get a call back for the third interview with the group. Who knows!!!!
I have a real job interview tomorrow!!!!! With benefits and everything! I feel all grown up and stuff!!!
Read more...Beth Hart.
I have been a long time fan, and have reconnected lately. Anyway, Here is Beth...
Monday is for remembering what you have learned....
The Hubby told me today that my post about his weight loss was not technically correct. It is not a modified version of Atkins, it is a Modified version of The Zone!
Well, lots of emails from Jimmy's pix came in asking how he did it. It was a plan designed by a doctor friend of ours, specifically for patients with high cholesterol, diabetes, smokers etc....
Yes, it is true! The mear fact that I am sleeping long enough to reach REM is astounding enough, but non-the-less, I am dreaming.
I've have been in seclusion for a bit. School was draining, difficult, and even a little tormenting, but I have maintained my "A". One more term of accounting to go, but I am taking this term off. With my soapbox politely tucked away under the bed, I am finding reflection a somewhat bitter pill.
A Montana rancher got in his pickup and drove to a neighboring ranch and knocked at the door. A young boy, about 9, opened the door" Is your Dad home?" the rancher asked.
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