The Great Wagon Train Trip to the Midwest
With the wagon train in preparation, I thought it would be a good idea to define of few terms for those of you who are unfamiliar.
Thracian slave, gladiator, insurrectionist and fashion plate.
With the wagon train in preparation, I thought it would be a good idea to define of few terms for those of you who are unfamiliar.
So, when I was in Junior High School, we learned about our environment, recycling, and the effects we were having on our planet. This was in the very early 80’s and people scoffed at this information. We are now very aware of the problem and have tag lines like “Global Warming” and “Carbon Footprint”. So what is my point? I paid attention in science class to all of this information. To make a long story short, I figured the problem was two fold. First, stop the pollution and Second, reverse the damage already done. This leads to two entirely different paths to travel. Stopping the pollution is not happening. We, as a society have jumped on the “Save the Planet” bandwagon, but we are not stopping the pollution at all. In fact, at best, we are simply increasing it’s production at a slightly slower pace then normal. It has been my experience that the human species on the whole, finds comfort in what is best for themselves, and not for the good of all. This is reflected in the fact that money is more important then the planet. I have little hope that this process will ever work. We are too self-centered. Don’t agree? Don’t we still use fossil fuels? Don’t we go to the coffee shop in droves every day and toss the billions of cups into landfills? Don’t we still make and use polystyrene, disposable diapers, cigarettes, plastic bags for single use, and a gazillion other items manufactured out of substances that would never have occurred naturally? There is no argument here, at best we will simply continue to destroy ourselves, just at a slower pace then expected. So, our planet is in turmoil. Weather patterns out of cycle, ocean currents slowing and warming, sea levels rising, ice caps are melting. What do we do? CO2 is the problem. 1) We simply stop producing it through combustion. We are creating CO2 and releasing into the atmosphere while it is at a higher then normal temperature. It then rises and sticks in the stratosphere. What is left of our forests can not convert the CO2 in the stratosphere, and the “breathing” oceans can not handle what they have as it is (even if they could reach the stratosphere). So, we know it is a problem, and the problem is growing. Every excuse in the book, and all the time left of this planet will not change this. It simply must end, and not just reduce. 2) We must remove CO2 from the stratosphere. The CO2 has broken down the atmosphere, then cause and effect, cause and effect, ice caps are melting. The ice caps have historically reflected a percentage of the sun’s energy back out to space. It is now being trapped in the atmosphere by the pollution, ice is melting, reflecting less energy, melting more ice, warming oceans, and on and on! You can see that the destruction cannot, or better yet, will not continue for long. So, how do we breakdown CO2? This is the question I have been asking myself since Junior High School. CO2 is very strong, and would take containment with a lot of energy to break apart. It is also in the stratosphere, a little outside the average persons reach. It is not easily visible, and is mixed with other gases. This is where I go crazy. The answer is right there. Break down CO2. The problem is, how do we do it? I sounds so simple at first, then feels so impossible. I have spent the last 25 years thinking about this, and I am failing. What do you have? Any ideas? Seriously, how do we do this?
I am working on the blog design, and stumbling a little!!! Sorry!
Read more...AJ was born on Wednesday. R and G are happy to let their third into the world. He gets kind of fussy when I hold him, but probably because I don't have milk! He was 9 lbs, 7 oz. Little chub monster! I am off to see him again now!
Here in Portland there is a trend that has been growing over the last year or so. Almost every off ramp from almost every freeway has a person standing there with a sign asking for money. This is not shocking with our unemployment rate at the 10% mark. I usually send them a silent prayer and hope they can get on their feet soon.
Seems like a thousand years ago, my childhood. I spent so long either trying to forget it, or come to terms with it. What ever the case, there are those memories that I regret losing.
These two news stories caught my attention today as a little representation for the state of our country today! First, a guy "bolts" antlers onto a dead doe carcass...... BURLINGTON, Vt. – A man who bolted antlers to the head of a dead doe and posed for a photograph with the deer was fined $400 and jailed for game violations. Marcel Fournier, 19, shot the deer the evening of Nov. 22 and used lag bolts and epoxy to attach a 10-point rack, officials said. He then checked in the kill as lawful game at Barnie's Market. It's illegal to kill an antlerless deer, and it's also illegal to hunt at night. The Concord resident admitted to the killing and led a game warden to the deer's remains after an anonymous caller alerted authorities. Fournier said he had "quite a time" drilling and fastening the antlers, authorities said. Game warden David Gregory said the antlers didn't look or feel right. "When you grabbed them, you'd feel movement," he said. Col. David LeCours, chief warden of the state Department of Fish and Wildlife, said the size of the antlers relative to the size of the deer seemed off. "Something wasn't natural about them, in addition to the fact that they weren't natural," he said. Fournier was sentenced to 10 days in jail Feb. 18 for taking a deer in a closed season. He won't qualify for a state hunting, fishing or trapping license for at least three years. LeCours said add-on antlers are the stuff of legend, but that it's the first documented case of it in Vermont. Second, well, uhm, you will understand. 33 year old woman treated at an emergency room in Texas for having a wine bottle "stuck" in her "nether region". The victim has requested to remain anonymous, but was willing to give us an interview. When posed with the question of how this happened, she responded: "Well, me 'n my brother-in-law have always been kinda close, and my husband is outa town for the week and all, so we just thought it would be good fun to get together without achly cheatin'. See, we thought the wine bottled be okay since it weren't achly fornication and all, but what we didn't think about was that suction it done in there. Don't matter none though, that Doc, he did a good job and all. They just done drilled a little hole in the bottom a that ol' bottle, and out it come! Did feel a bit strange when they was drillin' it though." We could not ask another question, as her husband came to pick her up from the hospital. Yes, she had called him, and yes she had the "suspect" wine bottle in her hands. Good Luck!
As you know, Oscar had to have an ultrasound and liver biopsy. As for now, we are going to put him on a special food that will allow his liver to function normally. He is not to fond of the cut back in treats, but we are working on that. He is however very happy to get belly rubs, ALL THE TIME! His little belly has his fur growing back, and it itches him relentlessly. Like all good Daddies, we are rubbing his wounded belly for hours on end, then switching so he can continue in the spoiling......
Okay, so I am working long hours, waiting for Oscars results, not sleeping well and even not eating right. I still walk like a normal biped. I cannot figure it out. Did something in the universe change when we clicked over to 2009?
Our little Oscar has been getting lots more car rides! A couple weeks ago, Oscar got sick and through up about 10 times. This of course is a very bad thing for doggies, so we took him to the vet. The first thought was that he had eaten something bad. We soon found out that his liver was not functioning properly and were referred to another vet.
All set up! I love MAC! Everything is so easy, with the exception of extending the range of the wireless device (for me anyway)!
I get incredibly irritated when a solicitor calls! In fact, even if you get our voicemail it states "if you are a solicitor, hang up and do not ever call us again!"
So, I hope you understand the basic relationship that Tim, Jimmy, Naomi and Debbie have. They are wonderful old souls and should be martyred. I worship every moment I am blessed to spend with them. As individuals, they are amazingly strong, wonderful people. Together, they are a force that can only leave you with a sense of hope and respect. I think it would be quite something for them to write a book. (No disrespect Debbie, you can still start a Jack-A-Lope farm!!!)
Okay, so now that I am older, I can reflect on things better (or simply forget about them all together!)
Above is Schiza Kitty (our first pet, and the best animal friend I ever had), then Jimmy and then the Notorious Debbie (yes her actual name, but there are hundreds of thousands of Debbies out there so I think she is safe!)
Above is Naomi and Jimmy. Naomi and Debbie are great friends, and together make up the most insightful, intelligent and hilarious two people I know!!!!
Now, you may not recognize Tim or Jimmy from above, but this picture may bring back the memory as they were Stars of the Stage. you may remember Tim as "Melody Lane" and Jimmy as "Mitzy (Ellen Marie) Zucker". They started out as stewardesses for T.W.A.T Airlines.
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