Thursday, November 13, 2008

Keeping it short

Sorry, this one has to be short.....

At work we are "adopting" a family in need for the Holiday season, and they are soooo cute.  My heart broke!  I can't go into detail, but these little kids asked for PJ's and basic clothes.  They did not ask for anything really fun!  Tonight I am crunching the budget to see what I can do to make this a great year for them!  (maybe mp3 players I am thinking- little kids ones!)

Also, we are doing a Humane Society drive for the animals in need as well.  The lists are up, and gifts are coming in!

There is so much need in the world today, but it is so easy to help!  There is so much that can be done.  Giving money, necessities, food, even something as simple as giving time can help out!

The thing that almost made me cry today?  In the big box for Humane Society someone put about 50 tennis balls!!!  Tennis Balls!!  It did not even dawn on me!!  Puppies love to play, and now they can, what a thoughtful gift!  Tonight Oscar and Vera (our pets) are going to sit down with us and decide what we are donating!

Have a lovely day!!!  (I hope it is as rewarding as mine!)


Bella Della November 14, 2008 at 5:23 AM  

Tennis balls? Gosh, I would have never thought of that either. I am collected some old coats of mine this weekend for a coat drive in my building. It really is pretty easy to give and so rewarding too.

I commend what you guys are doing. It's amazing what these kids ask for. Do they have bicycles- kids adore bikes? Just a thought.

Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend!

Anonymous,  November 14, 2008 at 9:32 AM  

My daughter's school does a drive every year so we'll get to see soon who we can help this year.

Last year, I too was struck by what basic things the kids asked for. Contrast that with little bob this past weekend ripping the Target toy and Toys R Us catalogs from the paper, taking them to her art table where she then proceeded to circle every toy that she wants to ask Santa for.

We have her regularly go through her toys to donate to others and have her choose toys for gift drives, food for food drives etc. She's only 5 right now but doesn't completely get it. She will eventually.

I love the pet drive!! I must contact our local Humane Society and donate on behalf of our girl Molly. She's our big 20lb cat. Otherwise known as Chubba.

Have fun at the soiree tomorrow with SSG!

Lys November 14, 2008 at 1:29 PM  

Awww how sweet!! I'm thinking about reaching out to one of the DJs I know to volunteer for his "Help a Family" drive that he does yearly. I worked their toy warehouse one year and its amazing to see how much just something so small means to one other person.

Makes me thankful as to how blessed I truly am. November 14, 2008 at 1:49 PM  

Well, how wonderful is that?
You know, my dear mither adopted a family when I was a child. There were seven children, I believe and it was a year round effort rather than just Christmas, but it was kind of the same thing you've got going on in that the kids never really asked for very much in the way of toys. Mostly clothes and shoes... necessities. Of course we got them all kinds of toys also, but I think that was the most touching thing about "The Family" as we called them.
What a great idea! I think I'll call our local fire department and see if they know of any families here locally that they collect things for. Of course BHE is going to want an entirely different perspective of my fire department... Oh, and you too!

Anonymous,  November 14, 2008 at 4:53 PM  

I'm getting such a bad rap right about now!!! Thanks, Krissa!

We enjoy participating in Operation Christmas Child each year. It's hosted through Billy Graham's organization, and our church always comes through in a BIG way. Not bad for a tiny church:)

I need to investigate ways to help out our local shelters and Humane Societies. I LUV me some animals!! I guess I make a small contribution by figuring out what to do with all of the strays that show up at our home throughout the year. Sad.

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl November 15, 2008 at 6:51 AM  

Cuff you, you are SUCH a giver! And you donate lemon drops to me year round! Your heart is HUGE because that's A LOT of lemon drops. This family is VERY lucky and YOU? are a sweetheart! See you tonight!

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