Monday, November 10, 2008

Mondays are bad enough...

Mondays are bad enough with out the news breaking my spirit. So today, 3 people shot outside night club, woman arrested for leaving her 10 month old baby completely alone so she could go out drinking for six hours, Meth found in a boys Halloween candy, and they caught the Casanova Con Man whom has been conning elderly woman out of their savings. After all that, they recap with a flash backs to last weeks story about a girl whose parents forgot to pay for her lunch at school so they took away her lunch and gave a P, B and J sandwich instead (granted, the football team probably doesn't go without anything!!!). WTF! It is official, people are completely insane!

Yesterday at the store, a lady in a Forrester, backed out of her parking spot without even looking. She was chatting it up on her cell phone, and almost ran over a man with a walker. She drove away without even knowing. I mean, HELLO, THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET!!!!!

We are still riding the wave of change on the world front with the election of a minority to office, yet almost every other civil rights bill failed in america. What? I mean, not to deflate the moment, but I just feel that people are constipating my conscience. So, having said that, I have a request for you. Make it a point to look at everyday as a chance to improve. Today, please post a comment about something good that happened in the world today, no matter how small. I could use a little good news today (to steal a line from a country song!)

I shall start:

Solverton OR elected the first transgender mayor. The votes were 1,988 to 1,512. Mayor elect Stu Rasmussen, 60, has not kept anything a secret. In fact, he made his information completely available so that the election could be dominated by policy and position regarding the actual mayoral post. Think about it, a vote for the actual post! This is good news!

Also, weiner dog races, here.

Post other good news so we can all have a good day!


Anonymous,  November 10, 2008 at 1:26 PM  

My post today tells of a three-week-old who was able to breathe on her own for the first time this weekend. Her parents were also able to hold her for the first time. Now THAT'S good stuff:)

We don't have to look far to find the long as we are looking for it.

Hope your Monday is full of sunshine.

Lys November 10, 2008 at 2:46 PM  

Hmmmmmmm... something good - and where I work??

Hmmm... well, I will say this much, flying home from Philly yesterday, people were very very nice. Everyone took the time to help each other out, some older people needed help with bags and other passengers assisted without being asked. I dropped a gold earring and didn't even know it, only to have it returned to me by some guy - utterly random and I haven't lost faith in humanity JUST yet.

Pay it forward people. Pay it forward. We need to be aware of our surroundings and lift each other up, even if it is just for a second.

Suz Broughton November 10, 2008 at 3:24 PM  

I read today that they are opening a family lane in security checkpoints in airports. This is good news for me because I always feel so bad when my family & I get in front of a seasoned traveler.
This is a great idea. You should do it every MOnday. Maybe you do, I'm new here *)
(But apparently not too new to be bossy)
Found you through Big Hair Envy!

Anonymous,  November 10, 2008 at 9:37 PM  

Ok I had to search but I found a community in Wyoming that helped a family in need. The husband in the family has terminal cancer. While that family was away on vacation a group of volunteers, youth corps, and contractors got together and added a 960 foot addition onto the family's home to accommodate the husbands medical needs. They did their own version of Home Makeover. They lined the streets when he arrived home and cheered the family as they arrived to see the new addition.

Like Suz, I like the idea of having a regular edition of good news all day.

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl November 11, 2008 at 7:26 AM  

The fact that you're posting is good news Sunshine!

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