Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Zell, my old favorite place to be

An election night distraction.

When I lived in Germany (West Germany at the time), Zell was one of my favorite places.  They made wine, I drank wine.  They had great atmosphere, I like great atmosphere.  They were beautiful, I have a nice bootayyyy!!!

Anyway there is a story on why the wine makers all got together.  This area's wine is the only one allowed the black cat on the label.  They are referred to as Zeller Schwarze Katz or Zell Black Cat.

The story goes that when wine merchants were travelling in Zell, after an extensive wine-tasting, the final choice was between three barrels, but they couldn’t decide which was best. The vintner’s wife came into the cellar, accompanied by a black cat. Suddenly the cat jumped onto one of the barrels and hissed at anyone who tried to approach. The wine merchants quickly agreed that the barrel they would buy was the one the black cat was defending so obstinately. Shortly thereafter, the same wine merchants returned and bought all the wine from the vineyards that had supplied the grapes for that barrel, because it had sold so well. The wine-growing area became known as the Zeller Schwarze Katz.

Enjoy the photos.


(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl November 4, 2008 at 11:12 PM  

So beautiful! Let's go--my passport hasn't expired yet! We need to chat about tomorrow night! I'll swing by yo pad around 6ish? xo, Moi

Anonymous,  November 5, 2008 at 1:04 AM  

This story leads me to ponder how the red wine in Hungary got to be known as "bulls blood"? Hmmm...

Staying in Budapest and drinking bulls blood is how I came about my great affection for red wine. Yum!
Great pics!

Bella Della November 5, 2008 at 10:34 AM  

You make me so homesick. I lived in Germany for about 3 years with my ex. We were stationed in Schweinfurt and lived in Bad Kissingen. I can't say that I ever visited Zell but these pictures make me long for my German hometown and that entire amazing country.

Big Hair Envy November 5, 2008 at 11:15 AM  

The Black Cat wine would be a fabulous Christmas gift for your new BFF....BHE!

Have passport. Will travel.

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